The reason why people have varied perceptions on the timing as well is because the TVs people use have different input delays. I myself use a gaming monitor with 0ms delay so I have no issues with about 90% of the songs... after setting the delay to -10 for all songs. Is it just me or they thought people would not be bothered to manually adjust their TVs so they purposely altered the timing of everything? Cause I remembered the songs in F2nd were very good timing-wise but not on FT. And there is always the fact each person perceives timing a bit different... but having edited nearly 60 songs I'm pretty sure I got the hang of it...
It also has to do with PS4 hardware and PS4 Region. The time your system was made can depend on how it's affected as day one PS4's have different hardware than later modules and even PS4's that are made overseas may have different issues than one from Japan and sound is also a factor.
Well, it sure seems to be fixed: Currently downloading the patch.
It fixed the timing issue for me. (Freely Tomorrow before the patch): (Freely Tomorrow after the patch) Previously, I had to hit the notes like a few frames late consistently to avoid FINEs like in that video before the patch. But now, with the +0 lag adjustment (the default) setting, and everything is not off anymore.
Yeah, it fixed the timing on pretty much everything that was off for me as well. Just got a 1 Safe on Freely Tomorrow.