Hello all, I've been going for 100% completion on my PS Vita Project Diva F2. My next Trophy I'm working for is the one where you have to unlock all of the album images. This is where I've been stuck at: No matter what I do, I simply cannot get this final image. I've played for hours upon hours since I discovered that being the last one. It has been to no avail. I am wondering if there is a special criteria for this one, or if I'm just ultra unlucky. If anyone could help me, or give advice, then it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You have to watch every AR Live video. After you watch all the said videos, the image (which should be Miku in her Magical Mirai module) will pop up. Unfortunately, skipping the videos doesn't count, but there are just a few songs you need to play. Also, watching all the AR Live videos will unlock the "Set List" trophy, so you'll unlock 2 trophies at once. Good luck! :)
Oh! Thank you! I have already received the achievement for watching all of the regular songs' PVs, so I was sure it could not be that. But I will try this as soon as possible and report back! Thank you very much! EDIT: Thank you so much! It totally worked, and I got both achievements! Thank you so much!