So i'm putting together the list of all the titles for this game, and i'm stumped on what a few of them are that i've unlocked already (and failed to pay attention as to what I did when I unlocked it...). I'll just name the ones in the order they appear in the title list. 4 - ??? 20 - I have this unlocked, it says something about PV's, but I can't tell exactly what. 64 is "Watch every song's PV in Free Play Mode.", so I know it's not that. Any ideas? 30 - ??? 31 - ??? 33 - ??? 34 - ??? 37-41 - I'm assuming you have to use the Challenge Items a certain number of times to unlock each one?? It might not be 37-41, but 40 and 41 are definitely 2 of them for the challenge item titles. Is there a set number of times you need to clear songs for these titles to unlock? Assuming that 37-41 would be all the challenge item titles, I have no idea what 42-45 is, seeing as the Diva Room titles don't start until 46? Everything from 47-60. I do have 53, but I don't know what it is for. 63 - ??? 65-67 - ??? 68 - OK, so question about this one. Everything about it is identical to the title for uploading edit data to the network on PDF, ALTHOUGH in the description, it appears that it mentions 100 (as in 100 hours), meaning that it is really "play 100 hours of edit mode"? I haven't seen any other title unlocked for it, seeing as I let my ps3 sit for 4 days and it unlocked (but I didn't pay attention to which one it was, i'm assuming it's this one though...). 72 - ??? 81 - ??? I have 82 and 83, I'm assuming it's the titles for obtaining all modules and for obtaining all module accessories? 84-89 I don't have, but I would like to assume this is where all the room items obtained etc etc will be listed.... 98 - I have this unlocked, but I have no idea what the description is saying... how was this exactly unlocked? It mentions something about 50... Any and all info will be much appreciated so I can add it to the wiki! ^^
Hi. Actually, I almost have all titles. Only 2 left which are spending 100 hours in Edit Mode and collecting all other titles besides the last one. XD 4. 免許皆伝 = Perfect Ievan Polkka on Extreme. 30. 完璧な着回し = Use each module once. Guest’s module does count though. 31. コアゲーマー = Play 500 songs. 33. SAFEに憑りつかれし者 = Get one SAFE 39 times. 34. 最後の最後でSAFEでした = When you are about to perfect a song, get a SAFE at the last note (don’t know if hitting a wrong button works or not, because that’s considered to be SAFE as well but I haven’t tested it). 37. 反射神経 = Clear all songs with Shy Target. 38. 冷静沈着 = Clear all songs with Panic. 39. 動体視力 = Clear all songs with High Speed. 40. 精密機械 = Clear all songs with Cool Master S. 41. 一点集中 = Clear all songs with Micro Note. 37-41 can be done in any difficulty levels. But I’m not sure if they require clearing all songs on the same difficulty level or not. Because I’ve already done with all 4 difficulty levels and can’t remember when I got these titles. 42. 情報通 = Fill in your profile (where your display name, your birthday, gender or stuff are shown in online mode). 43. エディットパフォーマー = Clear 10 edit songs. 44. エディットオーディエンス = Watch 10 edit PVs (re-watching the same PV works). 45. イイネ!= Favoriting any edit song and clear it. 46. おじゃましまーす = Visit all characters’ room. 47-52 can be gotten from maxing all characters’ friendship (earn you trophies as well). 53. テンション上がってきた = Activate fever mode. 54. 雨降って地固まる = When a character gets pissed off (turn their back to you), give them a gift or else to make them return to the normal state. 55. 頼りがいのあるマスター = お願い吹き出しを10回受けた (I got it translated with Google Translate but I have no idea what it is. Sorry, I don't understand Japanese >_<. I also can’t remember how I got this... Maybe it’s a character request? When they want to change modules, room’s music or else?). 56. 3030メートル = Clear a patty cake game. 57. アルプス完全登頂 = Clear a patty cake game with 100% all 3 rounds (for me, this is the hardest title of all...). 58. リフォーム親方 = 模様替えを累計50回変更した (again, Google Translate gave me no idea what it is all about). 59. オシャレ大臣 = Change a module in Diva Room 10 times. 60. おもてなし軍曹 = Give 50 gift items. 63. 趣味:音楽鑑賞 = Use jukebox in Diva Room (you need to set a music and go back to the room to earn the title). 65. 趣味:絵画鑑賞 = Use Visual Library (a green book that’s called Book of Painting). 66. 凄腕シューター = Play ending credits’ minigame and score at least 3.9 millions. 67. エディットはじめました = Create a edit song. 68. エディットP = Spending 100 hours in Edit Mode (yeah, this is the last one I need! >_>). 72. ともだちの輪 = Register 10 profile lists (get this when you download an edit song from others, downloading a song from 10 different people should earn you the title). 81. スキンコレクター = Collect 23 skins, this title also unlocks a trophy. 82. モジュールマスター = Collect all modules. 83. カスタマイズマスター = Collect all accessories. 84. スキンマスター = Collect all skins. 85. ルームマスター = Collect all room themes. 86. 家具マスター = Collect all furniture items. 87. 雑貨マスター = Collect all placement items. 88. プレゼントマスター = Collect all gift items. 89. イベントマスター = Watch all events in Diva Room. 98. 俺たちの戦いはこれからだ = Collect 50 titles. Japanese wiki already reveals all titles. Please check it out. Hope this helps! ^^~
I've actually already made a page on the wiki with all of the titles, I have no idea why it isn't there yet : / Here's a link to it. ... 28F+2nd%29
Bahhh, when I went to that page before it was blank, wasted all that time trying to set up my own table for it -_-
I've told the site admin about the page, with any luck it'll get put up soon. I also have lists of all the room items and presents if you want me to link you to that.
Oh cow, EEEH?! I didn't know you were also working on that. Well, it's because that "F" & "2nd" should be separated. GOMEN NE!!
Here's the room items. Sorry for all the confusion! ... 28f+2nd%29 There's also one for regular f. ... ms+%28f%29
A request is when the vocaloid asks to change something in the room. There is indeed a lot of petting involved. Especially if you're going for all the items ><
Having problems trying to figure out how to upload a song in Edit Mode since there's no guide anywhere for F 2nd :( I've also downloaded more than 10 edit songs, and the title still hasn't popped (all from different people). One of them was PV only, but the others are all songs with charts. Btw, I chose the first options of the 2 when downloading them (when you save the edit data). I don't see what the difference is, as with both options you're still saving.... By the way, #42 must be wrong, because i've completed all the Information Board items as well as created my profile data (altered everything that I could), and the title is still locked.
After you've downloaded songs from 10 different people, don't forget to go to Profile List in Network Mode (choose the fourth option) to make the title pop. As for #42, so it's got nothing to do with a profile. This is what it says in Japanese Wiki. 42. 情報通 (インフォメーションボードをすべて開放した) If you've unlocked everything in the Information Board, have you viewed the Information Board page for each song again? Perhaps the title won't unlock unless you have.
Some things were already previously unlocked because of the save from F, do you think maybe I need to do the requirements that were considered "already completed" for it to unlock?
I've actually had a couple of the titles glitch out on me before. I had to play 101 songs with MEIKO and 105 songs with Rin before it gave me the title and I had to exit out of the game and turn it back on to get it to work. I would try resetting the game and seeing if that helps.
So the title unlocked after I finished "unlocking" (not purchasing) the last 2 skins... apparently you have to unlock all the skins for the title to pop, even though all the songs say "0" for the number of things left to do on the info board... very strange... after purchasing the last 2 skins, naturally the title popped for collecting all the skins in the shops' main menu with 3 options. And yeah, I had to play 101 songs with Len for the title to pop lol. Everyone else so far it popped on 100 exactly, only Kaito and Meiko left to get to 100. And I have a feeling that the last item i'm missing (Cuckoo clock) doesn't unlock at 70 events, because i'm at 75 (yes, I counted after the unlock for the 50th item) and it still hasn't popped up. Maybe it's really 100 events and not 70 for the Cuckoo clock?? Or do certain events "not count" towards unlocks? Such as them changing the picture in their room or the furniture. Edit: Finally got the cuckoo clock, but I swear it felt like more than 70 - i'd say 75-80 if anything. I could be wrong though, idk. It's pretty sad that I obtained 89% of the titles in the game before I platinum'd it xD Edit 2: I unlocked the title after viewing all 10 peoples' profiles in Network Mode and backing out to the Main Menu (the title for downloading 10 Edit Data songs). Edit 3: Can someone please give me a step by step guide to uploading an edit song? I remember there used to be a guide for it, but idk where it's at anymore...
Making a new post because there were too many edits to that one lol, apparently all you need to do is create edit data and SAVE it (2nd to last option when you press the Start button in Edit Mode). I backed out to the Main Menu to go to Network Mode to upload the song, but the trophy popped before I was able to.... so i'm changing the requirements of the title to "Created an Edit Song" instead of Upload, seeing as you aren't required to actually upload it for the title.
It's always possible the current required amount of asks count we know of is wrong as I'm pretty sure all kinds of asks count as I have gotten items from each kind even when I had answered many asks previously. It's hard to keep count when one has to do so many, after all! I'd say it felt more like 85-90 but maybe that was just me and spending nearly three days of playing almost all the time just petting the vocaloids.
That's true lol, i'll leave it at 70, because I reallllly wouldn't want to start a new game just to count individually, just in case I miscounted x_x 3 titles left: Perfect Gekishou for all songs on extreme perfect (I technically did this, but I randomly mess up either in the middle for no reason or at the end when I don't mess up the middle...), perfect patty cake (always a random miss or two in the last one, I wonder if the games' timing is easier with different characters...), and 99,999,999 DIVA points (~18 hours of perfect'ing i'll make you do the miku miku with 3 challenge items, from my current total dp). I think i'll honestly get the points before i perfect patty cake, seeing as it's always in a different spot that I miss because my analog is really bad (i should probably just buy a new controller...). Any tips for patty cake, and who is best to play it with, would be appreciated :D Edit: I perfect'd the tutorial on extreme yesterday, it's really just muscle memory, and doing patterns in a way that's comfortable for you. The wiki failed to mention you have to perfect it on "extreme", so I made sure to add that in there, just in case people would think you can get the trophy on the beginner chart :P Also, getting the 3.9 million points in the credits game is easier than I thought, but you literally can't get hit by letters that much while you keep firing at the credits to gain %. Do NOT hold the circle button to throw the giant leeks, you don't get much % that way, and you get even less % than if you just keep mashing the circle button while walking back and forth avoiding the letters. Remember that getting score from destroying the "floating letters" doesn't add to %, and you get ridiculous amount of points for getting to the "next level", so to speak. You absolutely MUST have 3 miku's shooting (at least, it makes it easier), so you can stop collecting letters once you have 3 Miku's with Rapid Fire. I got this after using this method once, hasn't failed me since. Edit 2: Dorothy, you should update your sig, I believe you mean 21 "million" points spent, not billion. In F2nd, you buy everything at around 120 million points (9 digits, you get the title for 99 million points which is 1 point short of 9 digits). Edit 3: Just perfect'd Gekishou, now the long journey to 99,999,999 pts.... ;_;
Personally, I liked Packaged on Extreme for DP grinding, I thought it was the easiest 7 stars song to get Perfect using 3 challenge items. Btw, I always ended up using random feature as I easily grew tired of playing just only one song over and over again. >_> Out of all titles, I had the toughest time with perfect-ing patty cake title. I think playing in PS Vita is easier than PS3 because I also had trouble with analog. IMO, screen touching is way better and easier.