@Dyspnia, try typing in 'f 2nd' in the search bar. The Kuro and Toro thing should be the last one. Anyway, it looks like a trailer for a PDF2nd related game? Or is it just the style that made it look like that? I dunno, it confused me.
Thanks Wreather, but I got my hopes up for nothing, I thought it was new DLC for PD xD It looks like it's just a content preview for an upcoming update and continue in partnership in the online world of みんあといっしょ which I believe is kinda like a big MMO chatroom. I think the MMO is already out to play on PS Vita.
That's what confused me at first xD It wasn't on the Vita store (the one I use way more) and I ended up looking on my PS3 for the knowledge that it wasn't actually a new Toro Inoue pack TT_TT