Hey guys! I'm in need of a little help, I know some of the song objectives are to clear the song using the "recommended module", but there's one song I'm stuck on: Glory 3usi9. What exactly is the recommended module here? I've tried clearing it with the Nanairo Line module for both Vocal and Guest and also Original Miku on Vocal and Nanairo Line on Guest. Both don't unlock a thing. Anyone knows what's the right combination? Thanks in advance!!
I'm not 100% sure on the module names, so forgive me if the names are wrong. Vocal 01 - Yurufuwa Pastel Guest 01 - Seven-Color Lines The ones they use in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTIU9_cSYp4 Pretty sure that's what gave me the unlock.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! One more question related to objectives though, in Paradichlorobenzene, to unlock Len's White Edge, I have to clear the song with a certain customization item. I can't find this item anywhere, and I suppose I haven't unlocked it either. May I know what song it's unlocked in, if you know? :)
You need to complete Paradichlorobenzene with an accesory called 'Bird's Nest'. To unlock it, clear Meteor with a back accessory. Funfact: it's all written in the wiki and hi guys, i'm a new member! (^з^)-☆
This isn't really related to the topic, but it's related to the objectives. In the unlock guide, it says you have to "clear over 1 retry" or "clear over 3 retries" what does that mean? @_@ Do you have to retry one time and then clear it, and retry three times and clear it for the other song?
Exactly what it says on the tin? Upon getting the results screen of the song, hit retry and clear the song again 3 times without going back to the Song Selection screen? I have not tried it, so who knows.
Ooooooh, I was thinking retries as in mid-song retries. I get it now. Thanks for clearing that up @_@