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[Question] Exporting Animation from Alchemy 3DS Max 9/2009

Discussion in 'Custom DLC' started by GenoX, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. GenoX

    GenoX Welcome to DIVA!

    Jan 3, 2020
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    Hi! i solved my last problem about the Alchemy Exporter, but now this jlshlsjsglh-

    I tried to convert a MMD Motion into PD one, but, when exporting from 3ds max with Alchemy, the igb don't has a "igAnimationDatabase", and this is necessary for the game so it can load the motion.

    Here's a ss that Hachune sent of how motions are supossed to be:

    and then here's how my igb looks

    i need to check something on alchemy when exporting from 3ds max? or what i need to do?
  2. Wyrdgirn

    Wyrdgirn I'm a faithful lover of Megurine Luka!! :-3

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    #2 Wyrdgirn, Apr 12, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
    mmm...the original file has more features, but the one you created lacks them.

    Make sure to create all the animations that the original file has: miku_base, miku_fail, miku_clear_01 ... also, your file is only scene information, the original is an animation database, so I conclude that you are not selecting all the correct options nor are you creating an animation according to the original file, remember that the models go in a separate file and the one you want to create has only the movements

    Also check that you have all the scripts installed correctly, check them in detail and select the correct options

    Create an Alchemy Insight window within the 3DS to preview your work without having to export it every time

    It's not just 3 sections of the exporter, it's ~8 if I'm not mistaken


    Check all the available options with great care since you must have skipped some...

    Forgive the copy and paste of the google translator, but my native language is Spanish.

    Greetings and luck!
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  3. Wyrdgirn

    Wyrdgirn I'm a faithful lover of Megurine Luka!! :-3

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    Do you by any chance know how to create modules with the 3DS?

    I have the models of the characters and I would like to create my own modules but I don't know what the IGB models of the PD's are about

    This is one of them


    It is a simple model but I can separate it into parts.

    It also helps me some method so that the Alchemy Finalizer does not crash when trying to open an igb ...

    Don't feel obligated, it's just curiosity ... =D
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  4. 'spring onion' Hachune

    'spring onion' Hachune My weakness are the songs over 8☆

    Oct 25, 2018
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    Hi, I'm not very good at explaining but I can tell you a bit about the PjD PSP models.

    The first thing is that the files of the models are divided into two parts: one of them containing the head and the other the body.
    Second, the .igb files for the character models contain an igObject called igAnimationDatabase that contains 5 objects igSkeletonList, igAnimationList, igSkinList, igAppearanceList and igAnimationCombinerList.

    There are two objects that PjD models use, those are igSkeletonList and igSkinList:
    • igSkeletonList contains the bones of the models (for example: root, spine00 etc.)
    One thing to keep in mind is that the game is guided by the name of the bones so, when you are create the model the bones must have the same name as the models used in the game.

    • IgSkinList contains the meshes or objects called igSkin.
    Another thing to keep in mind is that per model there can only be one igSkin, since if the model is divided into more than one igSkin, the game will only read one of them and will not show the complete model.

    Sorry for the weird explanation I am not good at explaining xD I made it so that you understand a little how the models work in the game, in a while I will try to explain you about how to import models to 3ds Max and how to export them to .igb

    Also, sorry for my bad english x'd
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  5. Wyrdgirn

    Wyrdgirn I'm a faithful lover of Megurine Luka!! :-3

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    #5 Wyrdgirn, Apr 13, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
    I must say that I am not very good at explaining things either, especially in English (I speak Spanish :P)

    I will try to follow your advice, but for now I have only dumped the original modules of Miku, Rin, Len, Luka, Kaito and Meiko, although I still have to assign bones to it (among other things... I think). I will try to see how it looks (I hope not to create a contortionist Vocaloid XD)

    Thanks! ;D

    Oh, and about 3DS Max, I do not know if IGB files can be imported directly, but I have already applied some techniques inherited from the blender (the one that I dominate), I have also read some tutorials included in the program so I already understand something else its use (it hurts that it does not have a game engine like blender or accepts plugins in python ... But it does not matter, it is easier to use in some things too)
    GenoX likes this.
  6. 'spring onion' Hachune

    'spring onion' Hachune My weakness are the songs over 8☆

    Oct 25, 2018
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    Okay, first of all sorry for the super hyper late response xdxd
    Second of all, .igb files cannot be imported directly into 3ds Max, but you can export self-created meshes to .igb, this can be done with the Alchemy exporter, but it only works in versions old 3ds Max or Maya (from 2010 version down).
    If you want I can help you to install it :3
    This time I will try to answer as soon as possible x'd
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  7. Wyrdgirn

    Wyrdgirn I'm a faithful lover of Megurine Luka!! :-3

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    Don't worry ;)

    I already have 3ds max 2010 with the exporter installed, it is not difficult to use, I already have experience with plugins in Blender and this works in a similar way, now what I find difficult is learning to create figures with it but it doesn't matter anymore I usually read the manuals included in the program and I can also create them with the blender and export them in 3ds format to load them in Max 2010

    Oh, and it is quite a tedious method but I extract the models to obj format with the JPCSP... but without bones ('^^)

    And by the way, I speak Spanish... so sorry if my English fails :P (some texts are from the Google Translator XD)

    hey excuse the abuse but do you have PSP? A friend and I are translating the Extend into Spanish but we don't know why they don't work in the console so we are looking for a beta tester to help us test it while we try to repair it and give us suggestions about it, we are also translating it into English but we don't know if it works on the console or not, but since we use the Spanish patch as a base, it will take a little longer to continue its development. If you want to help us test the patch you can find info about the patch on our blog https://divafanproject.blogspot.com (you can also find how to contact me in the Contact us tab of the same blog)

    Thank you very much for your help =D

    Take care ;)
    GenoX likes this.

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