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Switch “Making the Switch”: A VOCALOID/Project DIVA fan’s guide to the Nintendo Switch

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Zac Wood, Jan 6, 2020.


Do you own a Switch already?

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  2. Yes, but a Switch Lite

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  1. Zac Wood

    Zac Wood Staff/Fortune Teller/Lucky Guesser/Spam Buster
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    #1 Zac Wood, Jan 6, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2020
    2 years ago, I was talking about the potential of the Nintendo Switch as a viable platform for Project DIVA here on ProjectDIVA.net, and now It’s 39 (or MIKU) days until the japanese release of an (not entirely) all-new game exclusively on this (new to some) console. With this new reality, and fans of both VOCALOID (or just Hatsune Miku) & Project DIVA possibly still stuck with the question of whether to ‘make the switch’ or not, or what to get for said console, amongst other things, it might be a difficult transition coming into the new decade for these people. I’ve blabbed on about the Switch in a “what if” manner long enough, and now I am going to give a comprehensive guide about the system, games and other things.

    I’ll just leave it to Josh from YouTube channel 91Tech to give you an idea in video form about the console in the context of the still-new year of 2020, and after or during the video, go ahead and read the Q&A below: (10K character limit strikes again, so it is segmented in a reply)

    What is the difference between the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite?
    Outside of sharing 0.55” in depth:

    Switch Lite
    • 3.6” in height,
    • 8.2” in length,
    • weighs 0.61lbs
    • 5.5” 720p capacitive multi-touch screen
    • built-in controls
      • Includes a + Control Pad/D-Pad instead of Directional Buttons
      • Lacks HD Rumble
      • Lacks the I.R. Motion Camera
      • Cannot charge Joy-Con controllers by itself
    • No TV-Mode functionality (people tried, all failed)
    • No Kickstand
    • Incompatible with Nintendo Labo Toy-Con
    • Battery Life at 3 to 7 hours on a single charge (varies depending on game)
    • MSRP: $199.99 (USD)
    Original Switch
    • 4” in height
    • 9.4” in length (with Joy-Con attached)
    • weighs 0.88lbs (with Joy-Con attached)
    • 6.2” 720p capacitive multi-touch screen
    • Rails for attaching Joy-Con controllers
      • Includes HD Rumble
      • Includes I.R. Motion Camera
      • Includes Directional Buttons
      • Can also charge Joy-Con
    • Can be docked for TV-Mode
    • includes Kickstand
    • Compatible with Nintendo Labo Toy-Con
    • Battery Life: varies on serial number/packaging (see below)
    • MSRP: $299.99 (USD)
    What’s the difference with consoles in red boxes and white boxes?
    In short; model numbers, serial numbers, and most importantly; battery life.

    White box Switch
    • Model number HAC-001
    • Serial number starts with XAW
    • Battery life ranges from 2.5 to 6.5 hours on a single charge (varies depending on game)
    Red box Switch
    • Model Number HAC-001(-01)
    • Serial number starts with XKW
    • Battery life ranges from 4.5 to 9 hours on a single charge (varies depending on game)
    To Zac: Do you think a Switch Pro model happening in 2020?
    In short; I don't think so. With the the red box console and Switch Lite just releasing in 2019, the best I see is just a PSTV style console with no hardware improvements, just a micro-console TV box for $149.99 (USD)

    How do you detach Joy-Con from the Switch? (MUNDANE)
    Hold down the button below where the ZL or ZR button is and then slide the controller upwards away from the system. With Joy-Con Straps; it’s checking the white “LOCK” tab, holding down said button, and sliding the controller downwards from the strap.

    Are those actually speaker grills? (REDUNDANT)
    No, those are just vents for air intake.

    Can the stand be adjusted? (REDUNDANT)
    In short No, doing that will accidentally dislodge it from the console, but thankfully inserting it back in is no problem, however, doing it weakens the stand overtime, so be careful. In terms of an adjustable stand, Nintendo has you covered.

    What is the highest capacity Micro SD card it can take?
    The console can support Micro SD cards upwards to 2 TB.

    Can it support USB flash drives? (REDUNDANT)
    No, if it did, you’d have a segmented library on your console with the flash drive stuck at home when you undock it.

    Is there a smaller Dock?
    There are, but if you don’t want to risk your console shorting out and get bricked as a result, and are terrible with disassembling electronics, then you’re out of luck. Bob Wulff from Youtube channel WULFF DEN has more detail on the matter.

    How do I connect a Ethernet cable to it?
    While you can’t just plug one into the dock, you can plug one of these into the back USB port (with the AC Adapter and HDMI ports) to get the needed results.

    Is the console Region Locked?
    As to what that is, there’s a reason why the header has a video link, and in the case of the Switch, no; there isn’t such thing. Here’s a guide from NintendoLife Staff that explains how to start a account from a different region.

    What comes with Nintendo Switch Online? & how much is it?
    In terms of Price:
    • $3.99 a month for 1 user
    • $7.99 for 3 months for 1 user
    • $19.99 a year for 1 user
    • $34.99 a year for 8 users
    It includes the following:
    • Online Play
      • Games like Fortnite don’t require membership
    • NES and Super NES games
      • 2 separate apps for their respective systems
      • 70+ games total as of January 2020
      • Games are added overtime for free
      • Features online play
      • NOT streaming-based, but requires an internet connection per 7 days offline
    • Save Data Cloud
      • Some games are not supported
    • Access to the Smartphone App
      • Requires Smartphone/Tablet
      • Can do voice chat (for 1st party games)
      • Includes micro apps for games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
    • Other Special Offers
    What are My Nintendo Gold Points?
    A currency from the My Nintendo Rewards Program that with your Nintendo Account, can be rewarded via digital purchases via the eShop, and for the most part can be used as a part of your transaction. For example; 50 gold points can be used towards $0.50 (USD), and the digital purchase of a $60 (USD) game nets you 5% of that game’s value in said points (so $3.00 USD essentially) and for physical games, it’s 1%. (or 60 points)
    Yu Shu lien and SYSADMIN like this.
  2. Zac Wood

    Zac Wood Staff/Fortune Teller/Lucky Guesser/Spam Buster
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    #2 Zac Wood, Jan 6, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2020
    I had heard about this issue called Joy-Con Drift, what is it?
    Essentially, the analog sticks in the Joy-Con begin to read false inputs due to internal wear in the sensors. Thankfully it seems like it is something to easily fix temporarily thanks to some compressed air and rubbing alcohol, however not a permanent fix sadly. Even I get annoyed by it.

    Is their multimedia features? Like an internet browser?
    There are none what to speak of, as for multi media apps, there are only YouTube, and Hulu, (or Nico Nico in Japan) Netflix has yet to deliver, and Disney+ is still TBD.

    How can I use voice chat?
    2 ways, the aforementioned, albeit heavily scrutinized Nintendo Switch Online app for smart-devices. You could also plug in a headset, earbuds, whatever and chat that way on games that support Viverox chat servers. (not games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but games like Fortnite) You could also buy a headset to have the app and game audio be mixed, but even that has been scrutinized by fans as well.

    Can I use Discord?
    In terms of integrated use, there isn’t such a thing.

    To Zac; how many games do you have?
    According to “My year in review” from Nintendo themselves, in 2019 alone to give you an idea; I have played about 205 games, and probably more than that.

    To Zac: how is it like to play the Switch?
    In short; once you use the system and its three modes in everyday life; you really start taking the system for granted. Take the numerous Cross-play functions of the ill-fated PS Vita; just without requiring another affiliated console. You COULD emulate that experience with having both the Switch and Switch Lite, but stick to just THE Switch if you don’t want the headache.

    To Zac: what’s your setup?
    In terms of console; it’s that red box console. I use two docks hooked up to a TV in the living room and another hooked to a TV in my bedroom.

    What are amiibo? (SEMI-REDUNDANT)
    The remaining remnant of the once prevalent fad of Toys to Life from more than 5 years ago. (2014) Those figurines Nintendo mostly produces in conjunction to games that have functionality attached to them, and it isn’t limited to any one game. How to tap amiibo to your console is simple, tap it where the right Joy-Con’s analog stick is, (or the logo of the Pro Controller) and there you go.

    Can I make a Miku Mii? (DUMB QUESTION)
    With blue hair?, yes you can, thanks to the Mii Maker feature allowing more hair color options and such. more like Mii-ku, am I right? (terrible joke, I know)

    What accessories do you recommend as essentials?
    This is the best I could find, hope it helps:
    Why do you often compare Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len to Joy-Con? (TRIVIA)
    Easy, look at this excerpt from the Wikipedia page: “Their names are derived from the concept of 'left' and 'right', like in stereophonic sound.” Now combine that with the concept of Left and Right controllers, a left yellow and a right orange… I can hear minds exploding, and a ton of LOLs right now.

    Hey, I thought you would talk about games!?
    That; dear traveler/reader (I cannot decide the noun) will take time, and will not show up to a adhered schedule. These aren’t reviews mind you; but these are summaries that are written with the intent of the common VOCALOID/Project DIVA fan to discover and play something new. This was how I ended up being the fan of Miku that I am thanks to discovering Project Mirai DX those 5 some years ago, and I just want to share that sense of discovery with the rest of you.

    Besides that; I was busy re-writing this guide from scratch today, and this was something I had planned since October.
    Yu Shu lien likes this.
  3. Doctopus

    Doctopus Project Alpaca "BDFL"

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    #3 Doctopus, Jan 6, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2020
    Actually you forgot one thing: only buy docks made by Nintendo or (very) widely trusted 3rd party. Crappy docks could die together with the Switch. The USB-C laptop docks are usually based on Thunderbolt or DisplayPort standard instead of MyDP initiated with some vendor-specific (i.e. Nintendo-specific) negotiation protocol and thus will not work with Switch.
  4. Doctopus

    Doctopus Project Alpaca "BDFL"

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    Also when will Nintendo finally release Kagamine Rin/Len colored JoyCon set? I'm sick of Neon Yellow/Orange as the only choice. They look off, doesn't follow the FT pallete (Len=Orange, Rin=Yellow) and I have to buy 2 sets of JoyCons in order to get the color combo and they aren't cheap!
  5. Zac Wood

    Zac Wood Staff/Fortune Teller/Lucky Guesser/Spam Buster
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    #5 Zac Wood, Jan 6, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2020
    I already mentioned that, + I left a link to Nintendo’s refurbished Dock listing.

    Is there a smaller Dock?
    There are, but if you don’t want to risk your console shorting out and get bricked as a result, and are terrible with disassembling electronics, then you’re out of luck.

    I’ll go ahead and add more detail to that. Thanks.
  6. Doctopus

    Doctopus Project Alpaca "BDFL"

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    LOL how did I miss it
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  7. Yu Shu lien

    Yu Shu lien Big Debut

    Aug 25, 2019
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    Nice guide, thanks.
    Zac Wood likes this.
  8. Zac Wood

    Zac Wood Staff/Fortune Teller/Lucky Guesser/Spam Buster
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    #8 Zac Wood, Jan 16, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2020
    For my 1st game recommendation, it’s a necessity for all Nintendo systems since 1999, parties, and both competitive eSports junkies and gaming enthusiasts.

    Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
    Ah Super Smash Bros.; that series of fighting games were (mostly Nintendo) gaming legends duke it out by trying to knock each other off of a platform-laden stage, being a game that is easy to learn, hard to master. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is worthy of it’s subtitle hands down and that subtitle explains its position as the “Best Fighting Game of 2019”, becoming the “Best Selling Fighting Game of All-Time”, as well losing to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice as the 2019 Game of the Year.

    • A massive 88 character roster too varied to mention all at once, all 65 characters from prior Super Smash Bros. games, 11 new characters, and currently 6 out of 12 DLC characters.
    • Each stage has both a Battlefield and Final Destination (Ω) form amounting to more than 300+ stages
      • There’s even a Stage Builder that was added in April.
    • As of 9/4, Home Run Contest has been added.

    • As of 5/31, a VR mode via the Toy-Con VR Goggles
      • As well as online functionality, like sending a amiibo (FP) to challenge 3 battles once a day on a journey, and allowing amiibo to fight in Battle Arenas.
    • Smash World is a content downloading/Spirit management micro-app via the Nintendo Switch Online App.
    • Currently, there are 1380 Spirits as of (1/16/2020)

    • Online can be a trainwreck depending on your internet connection, or your skills (sorry if that’s rough)
    Most of my 710 hours from this game comes from my time with about 68 amiibo, not real exciting, I know, but I figure (no pun intended) I say it anyways. Heck, that’s what I am doing now with a Isabelle amiibo from Christmas and a Incineroar amiibo I just bought today. I know this isn’t as DEEP, or OBSCURE as I may have implied, but I hope to get to that point soon.
  9. Doctopus

    Doctopus Project Alpaca "BDFL"

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    #9 Doctopus, Jan 20, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
    Random notes on DIVA themed JoyCon combination:

    • Miku
      • miku.png
      • Possible combo: Launch Blue + Launch Grey or Splatoon Pink + Mirrored Launch Blue
      • Cost: 0.5-2 Unit due to single JoyCon availability for launch colors. (1 Unit == price for a pair of JoyCon)
    • JoyCogamine Rin/Len (classic palette i.e. Len==Yellow and Rin==Orange)
    • lenrin_reg_palette.png
    • Possible combo: Neon Yellow + Waluigi Orange
    • Cost: 2 Unit (Neon Yellow Set + Waluigi Set [Neon Purple + Neon Orange])
    • JoyCogamine Rin/Len (FT palette i.e. Len==Orange and Rin==Yellow)
      • hahahano.jpg
    • Luka
    • luka.png
    • Possible combo: Splatoon Pink + either Launch Grey or Waluigi Orange or Pikachu Yellow (!)
    • Cost: 1.5-ono Unit (ono if you went for Pikachu Yellow which is only obtainable from Let's Go Pikachu limited edition Switch, although color-wise it might be the best fit)
    • Others to be filled when I got the idea...
    • Future Sound/Colorful Tone
      • fsct.png
      • Possible combo: Launch Blue + Waluigi Orange
      • Cost: 1-2 Unit (Existing Launch Blue set + Waluigi Orange, or Neon Blue set + Waluigi Orange)
    Zac Wood likes this.
  10. Zac Wood

    Zac Wood Staff/Fortune Teller/Lucky Guesser/Spam Buster
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    #10 Zac Wood, Jan 22, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2020
    Arcade Archives (series)
    I know it’s a radical leap coming from Smash Bros. to this, but in terms of “new experiences” you could say this counts I suppose. PS4 users are probably aware about Arcade Archives’s existence; a brand of some 198 old games split up in two series for $7.99 (USD) a pop. In a nutshell; while its trying to catch up with the PS4’s library, leading to a old/new title from the series every week on the eShop; essentially Switch gets the edge in exclusive content from Nintendo themselves, and the system’s form factor allowing for proper TATE (vertical/portrait orientation) gameplay, without resorting to extreme measures. It was my dream since I was 10 to have access to arcade-perfect games when and wherever possible, while experiencing something new at the same time, and sharing that with others, and now thanks to HAMSTER; that dream has finally come true.

    Since I already owned MOST of the line-up on Switch; I’ll just leave 30 some specific games, in addition to the bullet points:
    Yes, I am that fool that has almost every title HAMSTER has released in this series on Switch; but this means every impulse-buy per week brings another new experience and another glimpse into the past (mostly not out of nostalgia) while imagining the context of that era: This means was I not blind-sighted like many people when news of a SNK character coming to Smash (Terry) was all over the place. It also helps that these games are pick-up and play experiences that work to the Switch’s advantage. Like out of nowhere the latest video from Extra Credits, dropped; talking about such thing:

    Amending this, is this little factoid about the series: Hamster Corporation was actually awarded a Guinness World Record in September 2019 for releasing a game on the eShop practically every week for what is now shy of 3 YEARS STRAIGHT (as of 2/23/2020, will be 3 years on March 5th)
  11. Doctopus

    Doctopus Project Alpaca "BDFL"

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    #11 Doctopus, Feb 3, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
    BTW a small PSA and also the TL for #4: this video is full of FUD and misinformation. He clearly didn't know what he is talking about and instead he just repeats the technical terms he had heard in a way that is totally out of context and wrong.

    According to my own research, the reason for the Nyko dock being able to fry the Switch seems to be a hardware design flaw that in the end asserts 9V to the USB-C Configuration Channel (CC) pin, which should normally only accepts voltage < 5V (1). In fact the Switch PD controller likely had the CC pin rated at 5V absolute maximum. Despite lacking of definitive evidences, this seems to be the most trustworthy explanation consider that some users reported Nyko dock "frys USB port" even before the 5.0.0 update. My personal hypothesis on why the mass brick only happened after the 5.0.0 update is that on 5.0.0 firmware Nintendo enforced the presence of the PD chip. So if user gets a malfunctioning PD chip the system will refuse to boot or waiting for the chip to respond indefinitely. Effectively escalating a "broken USB port" issue to total system brick. In other words, the issue is actually not related to the Switch. If you can place your Google Pixel, etc on the Nyko dock, the dock will likely fry it as well.

    As for why other 3P docks also brick Switch, my guess is they inherited the same faulty, probably Gongkai design as the Nyko one. It's entirely possible that Nyko delegated the design and manufacture of their products to some no-name OEM in China and the OEM just reused the same faulty design that they appear to have laying around. There could also be other causes like badly made USB plugs that short the VBUS to CC pin since they are only .5mm apart. Also pretty much anything that kills the PD controller would make the Switch to no longer boot (assuming that Nintendo does enforce the presence of the PD controller during system boot).

    From a natural selection point of view, as of now all docks should be somewhat safe (yes, even the Chinese ones) considering how they would get disliked/disputed/striked if they are still selling docks that brick the console. However my suggesstion (i.e. buy accessories from trusted manufacturer if you don't want to risk your expensive Switch/phones/tablets) still holds because cheap accessories sometimes really hurts, especially when high (above typical logic level) voltage is involved. Also broken Gongkai design can sometimes stay alive for a really long time before they meet their final fate: dumpster. I saw a certain development board with a minor USB design flaw got sold for many years and almost nobody bothered to correct it. So it might still be possible (although unlikely considering the HUGE impact of the bricking issue) to get an older dock with the bricking flaw.

    As for the other thing WULFF DEN talked about, like mixing Nintendo Alt-mode with PD and the hardware issue I pointed out earlier, "over-amperage", "Switch dock does not use PD for power", "Switch dock does not use USB-C for HDMI", "nobody can decipher how Switch talks to the dock", "protocol error is unsafe", "all 3P dock is unsafe and belongs to the dumpster", etc., etc., a lot of them are misinterpreted at best, total BS at worst. The most likely reason for the brick is poor quality accessories, period. Nintendo is mostly innocent except for letting the fear mongering grow (intentionally?) and driving people away from alternative options for accessories. (Why do you need cryptographic authentication when you can control FEAR? I'm looking at you $**y and M****$*** ;-) So the more accurate TL;DR is: Don't panic, get informed and stop buying $1 accessories of unknown quality for your $300+ equipments.

    Quoted from himself: He's like the incredible fortunate idiot from a cartoon that does everything dangerously wrong and somehow still came to the (somewhat) right conclusion, except the "all 3P dock is unsafe and belongs to the dumpster" part.

    (1): See the figure 4-36 in the USB-C spec. The CC pin seems to have the reference voltage of 5V. Although ironically it seems that there is no clear "the CC signal voltage shall not exceed x" in the USB-C spec for some unknow reason.
  12. Zac Wood

    Zac Wood Staff/Fortune Teller/Lucky Guesser/Spam Buster
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    The message surrounding third-party docks at the end of the day is still “DON’T bother with them”.

    btw: https://store.nintendo.co.jp/item/HAD_S_KAYAA.html (controllers NOT SOLD separately sadly)
  13. Doctopus

    Doctopus Project Alpaca "BDFL"

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    #13 Doctopus, Feb 3, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
    Well what I mean is: Before you buy any docks or pretty much any accessories, Google it first and read through all the independent reviews before making your final decision. At least you are informed by doing this rather than just blindly trusting some viral YouTube videos made by someone who didn't even understand the whole situation. In fact, the Nyko bricking issue can be mostly avoided if the victims did their research before buying (sadly they likely didn't). On the other hand, there are also some 3P docks with overall positive reviews and/or got validated through time, like the (in)famous BestBuy dock.

    Of course, if after this and you still feel unsafe to get any 3P docks, it's your choice.

    Also: No, Nintendo is likely not hostile towards 3P unlicensed accessories unless they didn't behave properly. Especially when they are dealing with high voltages. Again the Nyko dock flaw can potentially fry any USB-PD enabled devices, not just Switch.

    BTW nice link. When can Nintendo do this in the rest of the world?
  14. Zac Wood

    Zac Wood Staff/Fortune Teller/Lucky Guesser/Spam Buster
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    #14 Zac Wood, Feb 23, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2020
    It’s been a month I know; but I feel like I needed to talk about the system’s best-selling title:

    Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

    Not as epic as Smash Bros.; but just like it, it’s subtitle is well-deserved; making a already amazing Wii U experience even more worthwhile. It contains the base game, the DLC tracks, kart parts, and characters, and 200cc (a free update), of the original; but also adds accessibility options like auto-accelerate, and smart steering, additional characters and kart parts, the return of the Boo and Cape Feather items, the ability to hold two items at once, the ultra mini-turbo, the ability to brake while drifting, and changing your kart/character load-out in a online lobby. Lastly; replacing the original’s shell of a Battle Mode, is a much more improved version: complete with 5 variants, and 8 dedicated arenas. All while maintaining a 1080p/720p resolution and at a full 60fps (save for 3 & 4 player play at 30fps), an improvement over the 720p/480p at 59fps of the Wii U original. (still with that 30fps thing for 3-4 players) I should pick this up if you are into online multiplayer with friends, local multiplayer with friends, parties, or in case you are with some other person with nothing better to do. (thanks in part to the Joy-Con being able to work as separate controllers)

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