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New Profile Posts

  1. Mariiwoopychan
  2. Mariiwoopychan
    I'm baaaaaaack
  3. HimitsuK3is4tsu
    Himitsu Keisatsu heheheue
  4. Zac Wood
    Zac Wood
  5. fredarmisen
  6. Zac Wood
    Zac Wood
  7. Zac Wood
    Zac Wood
    Never thought I see the day when the series Producer himself follows me on twitter:
  8. nofutur
    鏡音八八花合戦 >> PS4 m(--)m
  9. noni i guess
    noni i guess
    i'm thinking miku miku oo ee oo
  10. Seigi
  11. Zac Wood
    Zac Wood
  12. EMiLLE04
  13. Rainbow
    Remembered almost 10 years later than I have an account here. Neat.
    steelpuxnastik likes this.
    1. steelpuxnastik
      Welcome back veterans
      Jul 10, 2022
  14. Zac Wood
    1. Doctopus
      Meanwhile the only crossover parts seem to be missing content, based on bad port, bad performance, DLC hell for things that were always available and denuvo. Why it has to be like this SEGA?
      Jul 5, 2022
  15. TheMonochromeBaku
    Time to click anything and everything I see for the sake of killing my cat with curiosity.
    steelpuxnastik likes this.
  16. SwigS-27
  17. Zac Wood
  18. Zac Wood
    Zac Wood
    steelpuxnastik likes this.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Doctopus
      I just want my Tails Rin/Len, Amy Luka and Knucle Meiko
      Jun 4, 2022
    3. Doctopus
      Also speaking of conspiracy theory: daily reminder that Tails' 2 tails means Rin and Len
      Jun 4, 2022
      steelpuxnastik likes this.
    4. Zac Wood
      Zac Wood
      According to some footage Metadata: the boss is called ‘Asura’. Which is a Buddhist term for titan, and are the opposite of a benevolent ‘Deva’. Corrupt DEVA to DIVA, and you get what I mean.
      Jun 4, 2022
      steelpuxnastik likes this.
  19. _vtg76_
    Hello guys can’t find the welcome post dunno if it’s normal.
    steelpuxnastik likes this.
    1. steelpuxnastik
      May 28, 2022
    2. MikuHatsune
      that's actually not intended. no idea where the topic has gone....
      when a mod deletes a thread, it's still hidden on the forums and only visible to admins and i just initiated a mass deletion of such kind of threads to clean up the forums database. i can only assume someone might've marked the thread by accident.
      i can't find the topic anymore and can't restore it.
      May 29, 2022
  20. trakoize
    Hello World
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