either twitter or discord now is where you'd see more activity from here,especially from the small psp modding community.
Today is Mikudayo’s 10th birthday. The living example of “When life gives you lemons you make lemonade.”
Yeah there's a lot of older Vocaloid songs that have that nostalgic feel to it. For me it's mainly The Secret Garden (of course) and Rin Rin Signal.
You mean mods for games or some art? If mods - in related to game threads, if arts or something like that - in community thread :)))
Does anyone know how to pull out the loading illustrations from both okawari and motto okawari pjd1st edit dlcs? Can't seem to find them ;-;
Online I mean,and I don't know how to extract them clearly with asf2ext since they're a different format
In Ukraine in Steam it costs 25 usd and I think it's expensive. When Yakuza was for 10 usd (without discounts)- I bought it momentarily with no doubts and never regretted about it. But now I see new games and I think that maybe I do not need buy new - I just need to play old games that I already have but never played, because they are better then newer nowadays.
And this games looks old and it seems that it wants to sell me nostalgic about old games, and I do not think that is bad - I just think in this case it needs to cost less.