Hello. I'm not certain if this is where you type this, but does anyone know where to download the PDDLC Slot Changer? I found the link but it no longer works. I believe it was taken down or something. Thank you in advance for your help. :)
Hi! Open the DLC with any Hex Editor, then go to the offset 1800, in the text block edit the "XXX" string (this is the DLC Slot, for example "001" for the slot N.1)
If you do not get the PDDLC Slot Changer let me know and I will create a new app, it is not difficult for me since the process is not complex so it would take me a short time to upload it. Greetings =D PS: by the way, I'm not Suyo ('^^)
Happy 30th Birthday to our lord and savior: https://mobile.twitter.com/ZW_Zacattack99/status/1407729177067868162
Hi steel! ;D intento de modder: A person trying to create mods, many times succeeds, other times not, basically someone who is just starting to learn how to create mods even though it is a bit difficult for them and only focuses on simple things
Sorry to those who wanted Sonic voiced by Ryan Drummond again: https://twitter.com/RogerCraigSmith/status/1397582815873490948
I found the patch in spanish of project diva 2nd # https://divafanproject.blogspot.com/2020/02/parche-espanol-project-diva-extend.html?m=1
Thanks for advising! The truth is that I have not been very active to say, we have also updated the English Extend and we are trying to improve the Extend Spanish too! Cheers! =D
Ah, si vas a crear uno en español entra en el foro "International Forums" y luego hay entras en el SubForo "Spanish", pulsas el botón y creas tu Post en español ;D